“Who are we?” It’s the question Fred Plumer puts as the heading of the first chapter in his book, Drink from the Well, in which he, in the words of his publisher, seeks to “define the Progressive Christianity movement as it evolves.” He should know: for about a decade, beginning in 2006, Plumer served as president of ProgressiveChristianity.org, aka the Center for Progressive Christianity; in this role, he wrote the study guide for The 8 Points, by which progressive Christianity in America accounts for itself.
An anthology of his speeches and writings, this book “remind[s] us we [as progressive Christians] are on a spiritual journey into the Great Unknown. The idea that we are always progressing helps us not only from becoming complacent about our faith,” he reckons, “but hopefully keeps us from assuming we have arrived.” Plumer goes on to declare that “there are at least five essential components” to this iteration of the faith, beginning with this: adherents follow Jesus and his teachings; they’re not “believer[s] in a creed.” (All five are found on page 15.)
Once a church drop-out, Plumer came to minister for 18 years a United Church of Christ new-start forward-looking congregation in Irvine, California.
Drink from the Well
By Fred Plumer
St. Johann Press, 2016