Robin Meyers and his cutting-edge congregation in Oklahoma City are featured in the new-in-2019 documentary, “American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel,” as well they should be: he and Mayflower Congregational Church are “anomalies on the conservative religious landscape of Oklahoma,” according to the state’s leading newspaper. As reporter Carla Hinton has it, he’s been “excited to lead a church that has made it a priority to take action about things that Jesus cares about.” 
She interviewed him the day before he preached his last sermon, January 5, and stood down from his post as Mayflower’s senior pastor—his job for 35 years. For the last dozen, a local radio station broadcast his sermons, and that program became the most listened to religious broadcast in the state.
Meyers has authored seven books, including The Underground Church, which has as its goal, The Christian Century warrants, “to wake up the church to its primal calling to be radical, and therefore dangerous, to be edgy, powerful love-in-motion. Meyer’s prose helps him achieve his objective, for it is itself dangerous and edgy and powerful.” Ultimately, he leads the reader down a list of “courageous, innovative, and radical ways of being a faith-filled community.” 
The Underground Church: Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus
By Robin Meyers
Jossey-Bass, 2012