A Faith of Many Rooms

“Jesus describes the reign of God as a house with many rooms, writes author Debie Thomas,” lifeisstory.com reports in its critique of this new-in-2024 book. In wrestling to have “a faith rooted in tradition, but not strangled by it,” The Presbyterian Outlook acclaims, “she cements her place among trusted voices who construct accessible theology for our time.” Kirkus Reviews describes A Faith of Many Rooms as both “a memoir and argument for a more inclusive version of Christianity.”

Each chapter takes up a different core aspect of faith identity, including sin, salvation, doubt, lament, and more, and these read “like sermons, without ever sounding preachy,” the Presbyterian magazine observes. In fact, as lifeisstory.com has it, the book is “engaging and beautifully written. Thomas has a way with words….” And so she should: Thomas, of South Indian origins, holds a MFA degree in creative writing. “I’ve never met Debie,” the lifeisstory.com reviewer mentions, “yet it felt like we were walking hand-in-hand together on this liberating journey.”

But, as The Outlook affirms, “In addition to being a wonderful storyteller, Thomas is an excellent theologian.” Kirkus Review agrees, concluding its review thusly: “A solid defence of modern, progressive Christianity, from a unique perspective.”

A Faith of Many Room: Inhabiting a More Spacious Christianity
By Debie Thomas
Broadleaf Books, 2024