“Christianity without dogma,” Jack Bergstrand explains in the introduction to his book, “is an alternative way to think about the Christian faith, where people can feel safe following Jesus without needing to believe unprovable things.” His goal in writing the book “is to help deconstructing Christians create their own best paths forward.” Neither a theologian nor an academic, Bergstrand, a former evangelical, is a successful businessman who deconstructed the Christian faith in his personal life.
That’s a good thing, the jisforjourney.com reviewer figures: one reason the book “works so well” is the “business-oriented lens” through which Bergstrand tackles his subject. “It is a fresh perspective that moves past theological debates….” He positions himself as would an independent consultant, “someone called in when a business is failing and needs outside help.” The former chief information officer for Coca-Cola, he is now a prominent business transformation consultant. So it is that “this book blends astute analysis with revealing anecdotes from disillusioned Christians, and utilizes ample survey data,” according to Kirkus Reviews.
True, whittling away at one’s religious beliefs can be disquieting, but, argues progressivechristianity.org, “Rather than destroy Christianity, deconstruction can save it. […] Without dogma, more people will be able to flourish spiritually….”
Christianity Without Dogma: A Personalized Way to Deconstruct Christian Beliefs and Practices
By Jack Bergstrand
Jack Bergstrand, 2022