“We are going to break down Christianity into its most basic parts, and rebuild it into something actually worth believing.” This is the goal Alexander Lang sets for himself in this book he self-published. “I refer to this new version of Christianity,” he adds, “as ‘Restorative Christianity’.” Which, it’s true, ends up echoing the old mystical Jewish tradition of tikkun olam—we are to repair our broken world; this, the author affirms in his conclusion, is “the purpose of humanity”.

“Written for those who find Christianity inaccessible, illogical, and plainly irrelevant, Restorative Christianity confronts the landmines that often shatter faith,” according to progressivechristianity.org. On goodreads.com, one reader primes others, “Prepare to embark on a journey that skillfully weaves together historical research, anecdotes, and current events in an engaging manner. …everything is clearly and concisely explained.”

In her blog, “A Church for Starving Artists,” Jan Edmiston pictures Lang as having been “a bold choice when he, in his early 30s, was called [a decade ago] as head of staff of First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights [Illinois]. And as a person who has served alongside hundreds of pastors, I can confidently say that Alex is among the best of us.”

Restorative Faith: Christianity for the 21st-Century Rationalist
By Alexander Lang
Alexander Lang, 2019