“Norman Wirzba presents a captivating vision for the Christian life,” the Englewood Review of Books coaxes in its scrutiny of Way of Love. In their take on the book, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat [Spirituality & Practice website] explain why that is: at its best, the Christian church is, or should be, “a training ground in the way of love, and Jesus is the best example of what it means to live in the way of love in everyday life.”
In his book, he’s “taking ‘God is love’ seriously,” Kirkus Reviews affirms, noting how Wirzba “takes a holistic and earthy approach to finding the purpose and core of Christianity.” And Joel Edmund Anderson [Resurrecting Orthodoxy blog] concludes his critique by stating absolutely, “No book review will be able to adequately cover all the richness and insights that can be found in Way of Love.”
Raised on a farm in southern Alberta, Wirzba, who took his B.A. in history at the University of Lethbridge, holds a named professorship of Christian theology, and is the senior fellow at the Kenan Institute of Ethics, at Duke University. His teaching and research interests range from theology and philosophy to ecology and agrarian and environmental studies. His CV puts it like this: his work “is centred on a recovery of the doctrine of creation, and a restatement of humanity in terms of its creaturely life.”
Way of Love: Recovering the Heart of Christianity
By Norman Wirzba
HarperOne, 2016