“My goal in this book,” Carol Rottman acknowledges, “is to inspire and encourage you to press on, using words in ways that are incarnate with meaning.” True, her book is aimed at scriveners, but really anyone would benefit from perusing her one-of-a-kind Writers in the Spirit. Consider such insights as these:
Recording on paper your “grief and remorse…will clarify your feelings, and may even heal you”; “The world thirsts for grace”; “Only when we lose something that has become fundamental to our lives and sense of well-being, do we look into the emptiness”; “…this is my life—always in the middle of things, pulled one way and then another”; “Events without reflection are only history; with reflection, they can also be testimony”; “…the fear of the dying process far exceeds the fear of death itself”. You get the idea.
Author and writing instructor, Rottman “writes with a fresh voice,” one reader attests, “providing inspiration and introspection with each paragraph. …The book reads like a journal, revealing discoveries about herself and her writing journey. Chapters are written as mini-essays, and never fail to drive home a point….” Says another: she’d have us search “for the meaning of our lives through writing.”
Writers in the Spirit: Inspiration for Christian Writers
By Carol Rottman
FaithWalk Publishing, 2004