A few years after Southminster United Church began meeting in the Vernon Barford school gym in Edmonton, a community church began in River Heights School in Saskatoon. They became a part of the United Church, grew into a vibrant congregation with strong leadership and strong outreach into their city, and eventually settled into a church building. As time went on, changes came and building sold, MVUC evolved into a committed core of progressive spiritual seekers meeting in the lounge at St. Andrew’s College at the U of S. Over the years, there were connections made at conferences and retreats, and one year ago, some exciting conversations began about a possible partnership between MVUC and SSUC. All of that has led to this still-vibrant community partnering as a satellite community of SSUC, called SSUC-Saskatoon.

One noticeable feature of MVUC’s gatherings at the College were the huge depictions of their Mission, Vision and Values which sat up front on the gigantic mantelpiece. The community worked very hard to distill these values and make them the centre of all they did. In our new partnership, we honour these commitments in a new banner that graces the north wall of our gathering space. As we’re rooted in a common quest, these words will stand among us to create a deep and powerful connection as one family, meeting in two locations. Join us as we spend the next several weeks exploring each of the themes represented in these words.