Whether you connect with us in person or online, there are multiple opportunities to connect with each other. Join us live every Sunday at 10am for our weekly spiritual gathering, or visit our archive anytime you want – all at ssucedmonton.com/live
Online Opportunities to Connect:
Post-Gathering Reflections
Every Sunday at about 11:15am Mountain Time. This is a casual time to connect our online Sunday community and discuss the gathering for ways it resonates or challenges us. Join here.
Tuesday Connection for Women of All Ages via Zoom
Tuesday Connection has resumed regular programming for women of all ages, from 10am to 11:30am every Tuesday. This group meets in person, but always with an option to join online. Join here.
Zoom Yoga
Practice gentle yoga each Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Zoom Yoga is led by Sharon McMullan-Baron. Contact the church office for the Zoom link and the yoga waiver.
AGM 2024
The AGM will be held Sunday, March 10 immediately following the spiritual gathering. For those that can’t make it in person, join online via zoom
To prepare, we are hosting two Pre-AGM Conversations. Ask your questions, discuss our programs, direction, vision and finances for 2024.
IN-PERSON: Sunday March 3rd following the gathering (11:30-12:15)
ONLINE ON ZOOM: Tuesday, Mar 5th from 7-7:45pm. Join the zoom conversation.
*We try to include an online component for most education and program opportunities as well as our board/committee work.