Mapmaker and Traveler

Brene Brown, in her book Daring Greatly, differentiates between the tasks of being a mapmaker and a traveler. To be a mapmaker is to look at the environment and sketch the […]

YOU are the Active Ingredient

It matters who you are. It may not matter HOW you learn, love, grow, heal, or practice because there is no ONE WAY. It matters THAT you do these things. […]

The Wisdom of Staying Close to Home

They say that familiarity breeds contempt. I’m not sure about the contempt part – contempt as in ‘beneath consideration’ or worthless. That seems strong. But in my experience, familiarity certainly […]

PIE Day Action

March 14th is pi day. Pie = Deliciousness! Pi = Ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. The result: an infinite number, starting with 3.14. PIE = One way […]

Contemplating Peace in a Complicated World

Peace is elusive, and it’s not just because we’re acutely aware of the violent and warring places in the world; Sadly, this is always happening in different places at different […]