The question which this book’s title asks, its author answers in its pages: “Christians ought to encounter the modern world” by according it their “faithful presence”. Jake Meador insists, “Ordinary people living faithful lives together in a place, bearing up under what cannot be helped, and labouring to resolve what can, offer us a vision of how a renewed Christian society could begin.” He is editor of the online magazine, Mere Orthodoxy.

For, a critic writes, “[H]e wants Christians to recognize what they’re for: to see the value of the created world, to live in communities of indebtedness, and to embody a selfless telos in the midst of a self-expression world.” It’s as NetGallery’s reviewers state: Meador provides “an alternative view of how we are to live”; he points up “the kind of radical Christian living which should be the basic standard of Christians anyway”; he challenges we Christians to brave “authentic discipleship,” and “live out our calling”.

“[T]he kind of life that Meador envisions will require work,” Pierce Gillen writes for Fare Forward. For The Gospel Coalition, Aaron Wine says of the author, “He recognizes the world he writes about is broken,” but the book’s “tenor remains hopeful.”

What Are Christians For? Life Together at the End of the World
By Jake Meador
InterVarsity Press, 2022